Sunday, November 21, 2010

Santa Fe

After about 14 hours in the car, I've landed in Santa Fe NM on my way back to Denver, from Tehachapi CA. I spent about two weeks just south of the Sierra Nevada range, surveying for a windfarm project in the area. There was absolutely no digging, which was enough to keep me a happy camper throughout the entire length of the project and on top of that, we found a lot of cultural material. I've worked in the south west before, but for an abbreviated amount of time; after the second round of work in the region, I've understood why it's reasonably harder to get into companies down here, and why everyone wants to work in this region. The amount of diverse material, culture and drastic climate changes are something seldom seen anywhere else on our continent.

I've been in this field more or less since I graduated from college (literally, two days after I received my diploma, I was off to Ireland), and I've managed to travel through 41 out of the 50 states, working in 14. In all honesty, I'm reaching the point where my body is starting to say "no more,'' and I need to think about other career options, or a branch of this that would be a little more stable, with some sweet sweet benefits.

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